Natalie Olivo



Life without graph databases.
Charlie Day, "Always Sunny in Philadelphia", passionately performing Extract, Transform, and Load processes.

Natalie Olivo, Machine Learning Engineer

Some of the greatest insights are buried in many different sources of unstructured data. I've dedicated my career to providing transparency to our ever connecting world.

I am a 12 year experienced Data professional whose focus has been on taking small startups from 0 to 1 in terms of ML integration. While juggling the many hats required to "make it work" in scrappy environments is exciting, I have more recently relished in the opportunity to specialize as a Machine Learning Engineer and see my efforts reach unicorn scale. I've worked on innovative products that have won awards, shaped industries, and made history. I have specialized knowledge in extracting information from large amounts of text, and I'm currently making strides into computer vision and creating art with Diffusion Models.


I've lived in Fort Wayne, Chicago, Louisville, Boston and DC for career opportunities and found myself naturally embedded in professional communities. Here in Cleveland, I electively seek this community out and help create it as Director of Women Who Code. We organize monthly virtual events aimed to highlight, connect, and empower technologists in the Cleveland area and beyond.

In my first job in my career as an actuarial analyst, I had a front-row seat to the transition from Pensions to 401ks. In my first job in my next career as a data scientist, I had a front-row seat to the increasing privitization of healthcare related research in the US. After the outbreak of COVID-19 and the wide-spread adoption of remote work in 2020, I reflected on my priorities and found myself leaving Washington, DC for Cleveland, OH so that I may be closer to my family, and many incredible volleyball venues.

Volleyball and the community it brings me are really important parts of my life. I joyously play at the AVP BB level.

Badges of Flair
Joanna, "Office Space" (1999) doesn't like talking about her flair.



A non-exhaustive sample of work pursuing my personal interests.

Criminal Court Cases

Inspired by Harvard Law School's Caselaw Access project, this is a webscraping and data storage exercise for Cuyahoga County's Criminal Court Case Docket.
Github / Website

Women Who Code Cleveland

As Director and Technical speaker, I enjoy building community and exploring the possibilities of technology. / Speaker Volunteer Form

Gala Deck

I present a surreal application, which reads in a curator's instagram feed and proposes a custom Tarot Reading using Stable Diffusion, CLIP embeddings, and style transfer. For those who want reflect on thier experiences alongside universal symbolism.
Github / Gallery

SQL Speaker Series

Developed in the 70s, SQL remains the de facto standard programming language for relational databases. Given over two 2-hour sessions, these virtual, interactive workshops focused on queries and covered security, administration, and salary.
Notes / Slides / Session 1 / Session 2

Tree Based Algorithms in ML

Coming Soon: An Earth Day inspired deep-dive into classification algorithms inspired by trees and forests

Hello OpenCV

Coming Soon: Hello Computer Vision! Before we programmatically apply logic to images, let's first get acquainted with the ways in which we must pre-process them.
